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Wine Party & Random Update

December 11, 2010
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Last night, I crashed stumbled into a wine party but not just any wine party; one that was being hosted on Twitter.  That’s right folks, people host “wine parties” on Twitter.  I had no idea these kinds of ‘parties’ were going on in Twitterdom much less realized how popular they are.  Basically, you randomly chat with people in this party – no invitation needed obviously, since I totally crashed the party – but you simply follow the #wineparty hash tag, respond to anything that tickles your fancy or just inject any thought or topic you want to chat about.  It’s like chat rooms are now with the times and have been updated to 2.0.  What’s great is that you also find a lot of funny blogs to follow as you’re watching the live updates and lurking other people’s blogs.

I’m not sure who started this but I have to admit, it’s pretty genius and fun.  Since I’m not the most social person, this type of wine party is perfect because like other geeky introverts, I can hide behind my computer and be all witty and funny at certain times without having to deal with those awkward conversation lulls or worry about offending anyone if I abruptly leave a conversation to join another.  Will I join again?  probably if I’m not busy on a Friday night.  If you want to join, it’s every Friday night at 8pm EST.


I’m not going to get into my tirade of how busy I am at work because I complain about that almost everyday.  However, I’m glad to announce that I’m almost done my Christmas shopping ahead of schedule and I couldn’t be more proud of myself!  I’m usually running around during the last few days before December 25 desperately trying to find decent gifts and dealing with my rage as I race against the other idiots out there who have issues with procrastination like me.  I’ve been spending an hour each night after Kayla goes to bed wrapping gifts and now, they’re sitting under the tree.  My only problem is that I now have to keep Kayla away from them since she assumes they’re all for her.  Every day she says: Santa’s going to come to my house if I’m a good girl.  Oh, and I’ve been using Santa as a form of discipline by stating that he leaves rocks for naughty kids and that all I’m going to say about that.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. December 12, 2010 11:26 am

    leesh and i were gonna check out a twitter party a couple of weeks ago, but it didn’t pan out. we’ll probably check it out at some point. where was this wine party? where can i find the deets?

    • December 14, 2010 9:09 am

      it’s every friday night at 8pm EST. Just do a search for #wineparty and you’ll see the live feed.

  2. December 13, 2010 2:15 pm

    For a second, I was wondering what Maur was talking about. And now I remember. The twitter party was a #SaugaTweetUp where people who are on Twitter meet up in real life but I think the #wineparty on Twitter you are talking about is where you stay in the comfort of your own home, with your glass of wine and tweet with people who are at home doing the same thing right?

    So, how was it? Did you make some twitter friends? Was @mommydoings at this party too?

    • December 14, 2010 9:08 am

      yep, you basically follow the hash tag of the party and tweet to whomever, whenever and whatever! it’s actually pretty fun; all done in the comfort of your own home. I made some twitter friends and to my surprise, got a lot of new followers and also new blogs to read. It was fun; if I’m not doing anything this friday, I might do it again. Come! It’s sort of hard to follow the live feed at first because there are tons of updates every second. Didn’t see Angie at the party but I was looking out for her because this is right up her alley since she’s always on twitter

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